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Re: Bouncing email shows contents of .forward

1997-08-01 08:16:00
lhecking(_at_)nmrc(_dot_)ucc(_dot_)ie (Lars Hecking) writes:
era eriksson writes:
Bill Moseley <moseley(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com> wrote:
 > If I bounce email from Procmail using EXITCODE = 67 the sender receives 
 > bounced message back, but the message also contains the contents of my
 > .forward file.  For example, they will see:
This comes up from time to time. I think the consensus was to simply
generate your own bounce message. 
 Does this translate to: if you want to bounce a message without exposing
 .forward, you have to do it yourself with formail?

Not need be with formail.

 I seem unable to put in the "'s. formail called with
-A"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"SAA09016.870370791/host\""

  -A'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="SAA09016.870370791/host"'

Or you might want to use my bounce perl script, available as part of
my procmail utils.

# I tried FROM=`formail -rt -xTo:` from procmailex(5) for the USER
# part, but it doesn't seem to work. Ideas? And, I don't like the
# idea of doing a DNS lookup in .procmailrc ...

# Allow multiple addresses on the To: line, and allow multiple usernames
# and domain names.
* ^To:.*[ <]\/[a-z][a-z0-9_.+=-]*@(|other.valid.domain)
  * Foo ?? ^^\/[^(_at_)]+

Rather than do DNS lookup, grab the info from the Recieved header
added by your sited. I don't know the format at your site, so I
won't both trying.

I /dev/null dupes, no need to CC list posts.  It is not my responsibility to
prove to you my mail is not spam, if mail to you bounces it will not be resent.