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Re: Bouncing email shows contents of .forward

1997-08-01 10:27:00
On Fri, 1 Aug 1997 10:55:33 -0500, 
(W. Wesley Groleau x4923) wrote:
Gack. You wouldn't happen to be missing a SHELL=/bin/sh line near the
beginning of your .procmailrc? (My pet theory for ....
I have
Will that mess anything up?

No, not the way csh will. Typical symptoms of Csh contamination are
mysterious messages about unbalanced parentheses and error codes not
being passed back to Procmail. I guess you could in principle assume
you should be able to get by (in a masochistic sort of sense) with
writing Csh syntax in your .procmailrc if your shell is Csh and you
want to keep it that way, but some things not directly related to that
seem to break when Procmail tries to do stuff with a shell that is not
sh-compatible. (Can anybody explain why?)

/* era */

There is of course no valid reason for anyone to use Csh in the first
place anyway. It was invented by the communist cannibal aliens who
abducted Kennedy and Elvis. <>

Defin-i-t-e-ly. Sep-a-r-a-te. Gram-m-a-r.  <>
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