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Mail backup

1997-08-13 08:25:00

I'm using the following script to backup my mail. Then, using cron, I run
a program that automatically limits the number of messages in the backup
file. The problem is that it removes from the end and appends to the end
-- so all the old messages stay and all the new ones get removed. 

I don't care if it works with removing from the front or adding to the
front -- whatever works. Thanks.

* ! ^X-Backup: Disable

/usr/local/bin/lockfile $HOME/Misc/Backup/lock.mail.backup.general
cat $HOME/Misc/Backup/mail.general.backup | \
        /usr/local/bin/formail -1000s > $HOME/Misc/Backup/temp.general.backup
mv -f $HOME/Misc/Backup/temp.general.backup 
rm -f $HOME/Misc/Backup/lock.mail.backup.general

 | Brock Rozen | brozen(_at_)webdreams(_dot_)com | | 

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