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Re: Mail backup

1997-08-18 00:51:00
On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, David W. Tamkin wrote:

R> There's a good reasoning behind it though -- if you want to see a message
R> that you erased five minutes earlier, it's all in one file.

Again, there are trade-offs between the two arrangements: adding new messages
at the end of the backup folder is less work with each arriving message but
more for the cron job, while inserting new messages at the top of the backup
folder is more work for procmail with each arrival but less for the cron job.
But if you personally consult the backup folder with your own eyes, you're
going to have a preference for having new messages at the top or for having
them at the end, and the human factor tips the balance.

A few issues on my end, at least. I use Pine, which sorts messages
according to arrival. No biggie if they appear towards the end or towards
the front, since the sorting takes care of that.

I would think that in almost any case it'd be preferable to have the cron
job do more work. If somebody didn't have the sorting ability, then I
would agree that the human factor comes into play.

I haven't seen any good suggestions or code (did I miss something somebody
else might have posted?) that does it the other way...any ideas?


 | Brock Rozen | brozen(_at_)webdreams(_dot_)com | | 

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