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Re: Idiosyncratic Punctuation in Mail

1997-08-18 00:45:00
On Sun, 17 Aug 1997 19:23:06 -0500 (CDT), dattier(_at_)wwa(_dot_)com 
(David W. Tamkin) wrote in private mail:
| :0bfw
| * From: (bozo1|bozo2|bozo3)
| * B ?? [^ -~]
| | sed -e 's/funnystring/correct string/g' # -e 's/more strings/.../g' ...
Shouldn't the second condition be
  * B ?? [^   -~]

Quite. Or even something to cover all of null through 127, if you're
comfortable receiving the full set in mail in the first place. (Sure,
Be Liberal In What You Accept.)

/* era */

Defin-i-t-e-ly. Sep-a-r-a-te. Gram-m-a-r.  <>
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