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Re: Building Semi-Moderation in SmartList...

1997-08-14 00:35:00

--in SmartList/bin/subscribe, when new subscribers are added to dist also
add them to file self-moderated.
   (It would be great if there could be conditions here, i.e.
   (_dot_)*(_at_)aol(_dot_)com is not added to self-moderated and is 
   moderated until we trust him not to make an ass of himself.
   But messing with bin/subscribe scares me.)

Why not instead keep a simple file of list regulars you know will not
make complete asses of themselves [all the time], and moderate
everyone else?

/* era */

Okay, as a matter of degree, but the algorithm (such as it was) made sense?

           68 Westy, Admin -- type2 -- The VW Bus Mailing List

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