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Re: Cyberpromo named boot - list of domains to filter.

1997-08-15 08:21:00
I wouldn't be quite so rash in implementing blocks based on AGIS
addresses. There are a number of legitimate providers who buy bandwidth
from AGIS, and I, for one, have a number of correspondents who use
them. As an example, TDI3-DOM is at through

Certainly the number of legit domains downstream from AGIS will shrink
over time (as long as AGIS remains a supporter and supplier of spam
domains), but blanket exclusion will cause more problems.

No, I do not have a complete list of legit downstream resellers. If you
see one, please mail it to me, and post it here if you think that it is
within the groups charter.

Rik Kabel          Old enough to be an adult              

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