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Re: Procmail and POP mailbox

1997-09-04 19:01:53
        Author:        lists(_at_)professional(_dot_)org (Professional Software 
Engineering - Lists account)
        Original-Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 17:30:09 -0700

* Reassurrances that procmail will always get the message before
a POP client could would be nice...

Consider yourself reassured....

* Does anything differ when procmail is invoked as the local delivery
agent, versus being started via a .forward

Yes, but nothing which influences this situation (ie you don't need a  
.forward when procmail is LDA).

* How can I process messages with procmail (as I do now), and then say
"oh, this message is okay, leave it in my inbox so I can download it via

Whenever you match a message that you DON'T want to forward, send it to  
$DEFAULT... and use a lockfile

* How can I modify a message - (I know, using f switch and formail) say to
add a header line indicating that the message was filtered a certain way,
so that the (considerably less powerful insofar as filtering) POP client
can filter on the content of this extra header, and send the MODIFIED
message into the inbox?

* ^SomeCondition
| formail -I"X-MyHeader: value"

note: you might want -I or -i or -a or -A depending on what you want...

These might seem like trivial operations, but as I've been using procmail
extensively to sort, delete and _forward_ mail, I haven't attempted to read
it locally with a POP client - and with the volume (and importance) of the
mail I have, I don't want to experiment with POP3 on the delivery server
unless I'm sure of what I'm doing.

so make this the first recipe


while you are testing things


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