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Re: Simple problem

1997-09-09 10:55:40
On Tue, Sep 09, 1997 at 11:46:19AM -0400, Jeffrey L. Nauss wrote:
On Sep 2,  6:49pm, Michael Stone wrote:

That's because procmail thinks it is done when it follows your
instructions and sends the reply. You need to change the :0 to :0f so
procmail knows it needs to keep going.

What is the difference then between :0f and :0c?

'f' means that the output of the filter command will replace the part of
the mail that you are feeding to this recipe. usually 'fh' go hand-in-hand
so that you can use 'formail' to manipulate the header and have the new
headers replace the old headers. if  this recipe results in a delivery,
processing is stopped here.

'c' means that no matter what happens as a result of this recipe, do
continue on to the next one ie.. a copy of the current mail is given to
this recipe.


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