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Re: Formail newbie question

1997-09-19 20:44:40
"Alan S. Dobkin" <ADobkin(_at_)emory(_dot_)edu> writes:
I would like to process all incoming mail to a certain account, extract
the subject header, and move it to the top of the message body.  Then I
would like to add my own static subject header.  So, for example, a
message comes in like this:

From: Me
To: AccountX
Subject: MyTopic

This is my message body.

I would like it to be replaced with this:

From: Me
To: AccountX
Subject: NewSubject

Subject: MyTopic

This is my message body.

Is this possible with formail or other tools?  If so, how would I do it?

This calls for both procmail and formail, the latter invoked from the
former.  The following .procmailrc will work with procmail 3.10 and

        # Extract the Subject: value
        * ^Subject: *\/[^ ].*
            # do nothing here, as the action on this recipe will only
            # be run if the message has a non-empty Subject:

        # Put the captured value at the top of the body and change the
        # Subject: header in one pass.  The trick is that the header
        # ends at the first blank line.  When procmail pipes the header
        # into the action of this recipe, formail will eat it all, change
        # the Subject:, then spit it out, including the blank line that
        # procmail feeds it.  Then the echos will run, and since their
        # output appears after the blank line, they'll be interpreted as
        # being the first lines of the body.  The ${VAR+:text} form will
        # expand to the value of the "VAR" variable if it has a non-empty
        # value, or "text" if it [VAR] doesn't have a value or has an
        # empty value.
        :0 fh
        | formail -I"Subject: NewSubject"; \
                echo "${MATCH+:No subject given}"; echo ''

Does that all make sense (it's not immeadiately obvious, so don't be
afraid to say you don't understand)?

Philip Guenther

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