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Catting a nastygram at the top of the body

1997-10-08 10:47:17

I actually had this sort-of-working at one point although I've forgotten
exactly how it was before I caused the mail loop. ;)

        :0 f
        * ! ^TOwebmaster(_at_)type2(_dot_)com
        * ! ^X-Loop: webmaster(_at_)bigkitty(_dot_)azaccess(_dot_)com
        | (formail -i"From: Mail_Filter(_at_)type2(_dot_)com"\
        -kbrtA"X-Loop: webmaster(_at_)bigkitty(_dot_)azaccess(_dot_)com" ;)\
        | $SENDMAIL -t

Procmail complains about an undefined variable. Why?

        procmail: Executing " (formail -i"From: 
         -kbrtA"X-Loop: webmaster(_at_)bigkitty(_dot_)azaccess(_dot_)com" ;)\
        | $SENDMAIL -t"
        TERM: Undefined variable.
        procmail: [31454] Wed Oct  8 10:14:57 1997
        procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi

Then I want to cat spambounce.txt to the *top* of the body. How do I do that?


           68 Westy, Admin -- type2 -- The VW Bus Mailing List

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