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Re: User Interface into Procmail...

1997-10-14 10:21:46

Realizing that my request sort of lost something in the translation, I'd
first like to defend myself in saying that *I* use vi for editing
wasn't for me that I was asking.

I administrate a mail server for 5k+ users, 95% of which are Novell users,
that is using Cyrus IMAPd to handle the spool.  The problem is that doing
filtering with IMAP isn't pretty, but I'd like to encourage users to make
use of IMAP vs POP3.  Without filtering, that is impossible.

I wouldn't want to try and train 4k+ users in a) how to use vi or emacs and
then b) learn how to write procmail rules...those users would be graduating
before i got through with them :)

Which is what prompted my question about some "brain dead simple" GUI
interface...I'm going to work with one of the Winslow guys over here and
see if we can come up with something that will at least give rudimentary
filtering capabilities, unless someone can think of something that is
easy for MicroSloth users to use :(

On 14 Oct 1997 jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com wrote:

| Tue 97-10-14 Marc Fournier <marc(_dot_)fournier(_at_)acadiau(_dot_)ca> 
| I'm just curious, but has anyone come up with a user interface into
| procmail, for setting up and maintaining their .procmailrc's? 

There is this...

       "TDG - The Dot file generator" site according to Linux Journal.

And I will soon start wring Emacs minor mode for Procmail handling.
Does anybody have any requirements fro the upcoming Emacs mode?
Right now I have thought about

- Providing font-lock fontifying (colors)
- Providing code placement (I have already written TAB minor mode, 
  but procmail-mode will integrate it.)
- Providing "linting" and "code check" [please give me specififations 
  for this!] Alan had Perl lint did he? I'll try to integrate it if
  that's feasible. 
- Flag alignment via function call. (You can define the desired flag order,
  and function sweeps the buffer and corrects flag order)
- Context sensitive help. Eg. when you're over flag, brief "tool-tip"
  is displayed. 
- Procmail log browsing mode: When you're looking at the LOG, hitting
  RETURN tries to find the code place in your .procmailrc or
  includerc. [Finding right spot may be hard, but let's see...]

Please give suggestions what would you want more!
I'm just finishing new general URL jump package, but after that 
I try to find time for procmail-mode. Is there lot of Emacs users
in this mailing list?


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