[Top] [All Lists]> it possible.!?

1997-11-07 17:43:11

I fairly new at this game, but I am wanting to have an email address on
my system that when it receives a new message, will save any attachments
to the disk (in a particular directory), remove them from the message
and insert the full path of the locations where the attachements have
been saved. 

For example....

A message arrives with attachements called "fileone" and "filetwo". I
need to be able to remove these files, save 'em and to a particular
directory (/home/joe) then in body of the message put "Attachements are
available and have been saved with the filename /home/joe/fileone and

Is it possible ???

If this has already been covered by someone, could you please email me
the URL of any discussion on how I would do this and tips on how to make
the procmail script.



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  •> it possible.!?, griffo <=