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Re: Emacs TinyPm manual (Procmail mode & Lint features)

1997-11-07 15:19:56
| Fri 97-11-07 dattier(_at_)wwa(_dot_)com (David W. Tamkin) list.procmail

[Flag order from procmail man page 3.11pre7]


| Moreover, I'm quite sure that putting anything other than the opening colon
| and the number to the left of A, a, E, or e will cause an error.


| The sequence in procmail -h was determined by compactness of the resultant
| screen display.  Ideally the sequence in actual use should be irrelevant,
| and except for A, a, E, and e, it is.

The sequence indeed doesn't matter, but because the Lint modifies the
flags on the fly when making corrections and suggestion, there has to
be some base what to use. 

If the man page's flag order, is invalid, due to not having a or E at
the beginning, then I'll drop that altogether from configuration
code. The de facto (Lint's) flag order is thusly:

