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Re: Emacs TinyPm manual (Procmail mode & Lint features)

1997-11-07 04:23:38
On 05 Nov 1997 14:10:35 +0200, <jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com> wrote:
| Also, I don't like the "standard order" for flags. Different
| people often use the flags in differing orders. There is no
| standard, either de-facto or documented.
It's about time and now there is :-) The decision is based on this
            :0[aAeE]f[hbHB][Dwi]c: LOCKFILE
               |    | |     |   |
               |    | |     |   (c)ontinue or (c)opy flag last.
               |    | |     Other flags
               |    | The header/body flags next
               |    (f)ilter flag to the left, before hb
               The 'process' flags first. Signify (A)ND or (e)rror
What flag order would be better than this? 

Any one the user feels comfortable with. I wish you'd at least make
this check optional, and even disabled by default. 

FWIW, you have left out r and W from this list entirely.

If you have to enforce an order, make it configurable, and make one of
the built-in user-selectable configurations the same order you get
when you say procmail -h

Does your lint grok this?


    :0 $FLAGS
    * condition
    | filter

(Yes, I'll try it out one of these days myself ...)

/* era */

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