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ANNOUNCE: Experimental Email Procmail Lint servide opened

1997-11-12 09:01:17


    When I started making the Emacs Procmail lint and programming
    mode I didn't realize that many of the people here probably can't
    access the tinypm.el for variaous of reasons: Usually because
    people don't knwo how to use and install packages to Emacs

    I admit, It's darn complex and must scare out lot of potential
    Emacs lovers. VI is still the king to many people.

    I adjusted the tinypm.el (now v1.58) package to work from 
    Emacs batch mode, so that It dosn't require user to open up 
    Emacs at all. In addition I added simple procmail rule to my
    .procmailrc to answer to Lint requests. So if you want to check 
    your code, any code, with the Lint parser; you can
    do it now. Send message

            To: jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com
            subject: pm-lint

        Do not add any sigs to the message; just the plain procmail
        code that you would use. The server responds automatically back
        with message similar to below. 

        o   It's possible that the Emacs
            dies to error message in the parser and you won't receive
            the results, so be prepared to that too. The TinyPm is not
            necessary buf free yet.
        o   The line numbers refered to may be off by 1-5, so look 
            around the line where lint points an error.
        o   Please let me know how the Lint performs to your code and what
            should I improve. 


[example of the Lint service response]

    To: jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com
    Subject: Re: pm-lint
    X-Pm-lint: results
    Precedende: bulk

    *** 1997-11-12 17:33 (pm.lint) tinypm.el 1.57
    cd /users/jaalto/junk/
    pm.lint:004: Warning, message dropped to folder, you need lock.
    pm.lint:007: Warning, recipe with "|" may need `w' flag. (recommended) 

    000002    # Put mail into backup directory, but continue9
    000003    :0 c
    000004    backup
    000006    # Keep only last 3 emails received in backup, and continue
    000007    :0 ic
    000008    | cd backup && rm -f dummy `ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,3d`

[excerpted from tinypm.el]  

    Lint: batch mode from command line
        You can also lint the procmail files from command line prompt
        like this. (You must have Emacs 1.30+ which has working -eval)
                % emacs -batch -q -eval                                     \
                   '(progn (load "cl") (push "~/elisp" load-path)           \
                    (load "tinypm" )                                        \
                    (find-file "~/pm/pm-test.rc")                           \
                    (tipm-lint-buffer-batch)                                \
                    ) '
        Change the filename "~/pm/pm-test.rc" to the file being linted.
        The Lint output will appear in file `tipm-:lint-output-file' which
        is ~/pm-lint.out by default. Below you see a shell script fort his
        same command line command. Rip code with ti::m-pkg-rip-magic

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  • ANNOUNCE: Experimental Email Procmail Lint servide opened, jari.aalto <=