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Re: Dropping failed 'recieved notices' to the floor

1997-11-16 15:25:26
        Author:        Scott Anguish <sanguish(_at_)digifix(_dot_)com>
        Original-Date: Thu, 13 Nov 97 17:14:07 -0500
        Message-ID:    <199711132214(_dot_)RAA06714(_at_)digifix(_dot_)com>

What header do I need to add to my formail construct to have them routed to

I'm not sure, but I would guess you would want to add something like:

-I"From: Scott's Autoack <nobody(_at_)digifix(_dot_)com>" \
-I"Return-Path: <nobody(_at_)digifix(_dot_)com> \
-I"Errors-To: <nobody(_at_)digifix(_dot_)com>

(I'm assuming that 'nobody' is aliased to /dev/null on your machine.. but I  
was yelled at once for assuming that, so I'll make it clear in case anyone  
here actually uses the nobody@ address)

I'm not sure if you can really add your own Return-Path or not... That is  
what many (most? dare I say `all'?) Mailers will bounce the message to.

If the body of your message to them is returned, you could try matching on  
^FROM_DAEMON and then do a body scan to see if your Subject: line to them  
and/or part of the text of your auto-ack is enclosed.


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