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All Mail for *one* User to $HOME/Mailbox?

1997-12-03 07:33:10
I'm not a member of this mailing list, so I'd appreciate direct

I have a need to direct all a single user's mail to a mailbox in his
home directory, without affecting all other users' mailboxes in
/var/mail.  The user insists he cannot work without every e-mail
message he has ever received in his life being in his active
mailbox, but refuses to use multiple mail folders.  Thus,
everything's in /var/mail/username.

I've read the procmail instructions for directing everyone's mail
to $HOME/mailbox, but need only a single procmail recipe for the
one problem user.

Tim Evans                     |    E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
tkevans(_at_)eplrx7(_dot_)es(_dot_)dupont(_dot_)com  |    Experimental Station
(302) 695-9353/8638 (FAX)     |    P.O. Box 80357
EVANSTK AT A1 AT ESVAX        |    Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0357

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