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Re: Scoring and $=

1997-12-19 15:07:26
On Fri, 19 Dec 1997, David W. Tamkin wrote:

Richard Ernst wrote,

| For the moment, I hacked procmail to keep a copy of the score in a "$&"
| variable.

That's a lot of overkill.

If you want to save the score of a recipe even if it is zero or negative,

  :0 condition-related flags
  * conditions
  { } # official procmail no-op

  SCORE = $=

Didn't know about that.  I'll have to try it.  I know that in my circumstance
(a non-empty nest), it clobbered the score.

  :0A action-related flags

If other recipes that clobber the references for the `A' flag intervene,
this will work:

  :0 condition-related flags
  * conditions
  { } # official procmail no-op

  SCORE = $=

  ... more stuff ...

  :0 action-related flags
  * $ $SCORE^0

Slick.  This will help simplify some of the other recipes.

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