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Juno/hotmail/prodigy filtering

1997-12-31 20:00:58

Rather than filter these services out as pure spam, I decided to make them
special-case filters - if the Message-ID doesn't contain the proper domain,
then the message is dumped as a spam:

This template is duplicated and modified as appropriate for each of the
individual domains:

# If the message appears to be FROM a Juno account, yet the Message-ID does
# not contain, it is forged (though, it might be someone sending
# a message as if from their juno account - but I don't much care).

* ^From:(_dot_)*(_at_)juno\(_dot_)com
* ! ^Message-ID:.*juno\.com
        LOG="SPAM: forged juno$TWITVER"

        |gzip -9fc>>$MAILDIR/twits.gz

I ran a bunch of my mail through this and it seems to catch
juno/hotmail/prodigy spam - leaving alone the handful of LEGIT messages I
have from users of these services.

Any recommendations for improvements?  How about sample headers from other
mail services similar to juno and hotmail?

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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