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dumping of messages...

1998-01-06 01:27:36

Just had a small prob with procmail suddenly. Ive been using a real 
simple setup to filter 3 mailing lists. A cron job calls out to get mail 
4 times a day average is about 30 mails per call out.

According to my logs the last cron job to call out got 45 messages but 
procmail suddenly decided to dump them all cause in my procmail log it 
showed none of the 45 messages matched my recipe.

Yet about 30 mins after discovering this anomaly, I manually called out 
to get mail and procmail worked like a charm like it normally does.

Now that I know procmail is not infallible, and I have not been backing 
up said mail, I would like to put it all in a file as a back up as it 
comes in before it gets passed to procmail.

Simple .forward:
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #kwoody"

My .procmailrc file:

* ^TOrc5

* ^TO*questions

* ^TOprocmail

Simple enough, how would I put something in there (or my .forward?) to 
pipe new mail to a backup file?


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