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Re: rblcheck 1.2 released

1998-01-29 17:46:39
Edward S. Marshall wrote:


rblcheck 1.2 is out. The primary feature of this release is portability;
with any luck, this should compile on most reasonable systems (recent
BIND, etc). No new features this time around.

Somebody else has asked about the load that frequent executing of
rblcheck might put on a system, so I won't ask that one again ;)
Instead, two other points:

(1) Could rblcheck optionally grok human-readable domain names and
look up the IP number itself?

(2) About portability. Rblcheck compiled nicely right out of the box
on my ISP's RedHat Linux. Any chance it would also compile on a win32
system, so folks like me could run it (manually) from their windows
boxes? Sometimes it might be useful (or plain iteresting) to check
whether a site it blocked by rbl, and it'd be even nicer to be able to
do it without telnetting to my shell account first. (Note: I haven't
even tried yet, seeing as I don't have a C compiler installed at the
moment. But my knowledge of C is minimal and in case of any
compilation problems I probably wouldn't have an idea if I;m
attempting the impossible or if a one-line fix of the Makefile would
suffice... Would the win32 port of gcc or djgpp do?)


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see me frothing at the mouth in a fit; but no, I am not;
I am just winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup."
(Vladimir Nabokov)

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