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Re: variables

1998-02-02 20:46:42
"Filippo" == Filippo Basso <basso(_at_)cibs(_dot_)sns(_dot_)it> writes:

Filippo> but if I want that the CONTENT of the file ~/prova is
Filippo> assigned to one variable, how can i do ?


PROVA=`cat $HOME/prova`

Note that procmail doesn't do ~ expansions, so you have to use $HOME

(Although I think this example might work with a ~, depending on the
setting of $SHELL - just be on the safe side, and don't use ~ in your

G. Geens - Home: <ggeens(_at_)iname(_dot_)com> - Work: 
``Don't let the sun catch you crying'' - Beck, Deadweight

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