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Re: Text processing stuff

1998-02-20 13:25:39
On Feb 20, 11:30am, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Subject: Re: Text processing stuff
Matthew Saroff wrote,

|     I would like to get an email with the numbers wrapped in begin and end
| like this:
| begin
| 1(203)555-1212
| 1-817-555-1212
| 16085556789
| end.
|     I want to strip anything outside of the beginning and end out of the
| message, then strip all the non-numeric characters, which I can then put
| through the lookup program to see if there is coverage.

 :0Bbw # and `c' if appropriate
 * ^begin$(.*$)+end$
 | sed -ne 1,/^begin$/d -e /^end$/q -e 's/[^0-9]//g' -e p | lookup_program
        I've tried piping this through under sh to test this, and all I get are
blank lines.
        I've attempted:
cat FILE| | sed -ne 1,/^begin$/d -e /^end$/q -e 's/[^0-9]//g' -e p
and gotten nothing.
        Am I missing something?

Matthew Saroff
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