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Re: Simple responder

1998-04-01 22:51:45
On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Daniel R Ehrlich wrote:

One of our faculty recently passed on.  I have been asked to set up a
responder for his email that will send a short note back explaining that
the account is no longer active etc and throw away the incoming mail.

I'm sorry to hear that, Dan.  I hope this recipe helps.

| (echo "From: person(_at_)cse(_dot_)psu(_dot_)edu"; \
   formail -r; cat $HOME/message.txt) | sendmail -t
Insert the proper name after From: (sysadmin or the user's name,
whichever you prefer) and place the message in message.txt.


Gregory S. Sutter                       "How do I read this file?"
mailto:gsutter(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com                "You uudecode it."          "I I I decode it?"

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