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Re: Problems with mailing lits

1998-05-12 19:48:27
we are using procmail to deliver mail to POP3 boxes of our
customers. The ".procmailrc" looks like this:
* ^TOuser1
! eye-ronic(_at_)abc(_dot_)net


The problem is, when user2 subscribes to a mailing list, there
is no "TO" line in the header and all mail from the list will
go to DEAFULT. 

How can I match the "Received ...  for <user2(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)de>" line?

You don't.  Match on the envelope address instead of the To: header.
The variable LOGNAME should hold the name of the actual mailbox that
it's being delivered to.  


   * $ LOGNAME ?? user1
   ! eye-ronic(_at_)abc(_dot_)net

Another problem is, when a mail is being sent to user1 with a "CC"
to user2, only user1 gets the mail?

This should also be solved by using the envelope, as both mailboxes
will receive an instantiation of the message via the local delivery
agent.   I'm assuming that this is in a global procmailrc file?
