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Re: Please help with questions about Procmail as a filter...

1998-05-22 13:23:27
On Tue, 19 May 1998, era eriksson wrote:

This is not about the colon, but just a comment on a couple of the
recipes I happened to have a reaction against :-)

 >> :0:
 >> * ^TO(_dot_)*newnet-list(_at_)(_dot_)*eskimo(_dot_)com
 >> nn-list

Don't use .* after ^TO. 

Why is this a problem?
How would I otherwise write something like:
:0                              # Anything from SSH mailing list
* (^From|^To|^Cc|^Sender)(_dot_)*ssh(_at_)clinet(_dot_)fi
ssh                             # will go to $MAILDIR/ssh
Or any filter for a mailing list where there may be multiple addresses in
the 'To' line, only one of which one knows in advance.

Am I missing some subtlety of the syntax here?