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Re: :0c: doesn't work!

1998-06-04 02:23:27

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, J.L.M. wrote:

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Rob Nichols wrote:

But how does that explain why removing the colon (locking)
from the recipe line causes it to work?

You are exactly right, it just doesn't!  Must have been much to late at
night for me to see missing colon.  My apologies. 

Check the man page for procmailrc.

They say the 'c' flags does:

 This will make procmail generate  a  carbon  copy of the mail by
 delivering it to this recipe, yet continue processing the rcfile.

Add to that this line from procmailrc:

 If processing falls off the end of the rcfile, procmail
 will deliver the mail to $DEFAULT.

So, 'c' means after stuffing the message in guardian, it continues down
through your rc.  Presumbably it doesn't match any other rule, and is then
delivered to $DEFAULT, which is just your normal system mail file.

Without the 'c', after stuffing the message in guardian, procmail
considers the message delivered, and since it's duties are done it quits.

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Alexander Lucke wrote:

On Wed, 03 Jun 1998 23:39:56, DNS-NET Hostmaster wrote:

I want to use procmail to forward every mail I get to a
little perl script. It works but the problem is that I 
don't get the mail anymore!

I use POP3 to download my mails.

Here is my rc file:

| $HOME/.guardian/guardian

It works with 

| $HOME/.guardian/guardian

But why?



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