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Re: Send file - permissions

1998-06-22 05:38:56
|Mon 1998-06-22 Bernard El-Hagin 
<belhagin(_at_)bya1c87(_dot_)pl(_dot_)lucent(_dot_)com> list.procmail
| ... account which I can't access via from outside, but I would like to read 
| and *remove* mail from this account using Procmail. 

I wrote a recipe to listen "pop3" requests, that sound more or less like
the task you're looking for. I haven't used the recipe for a while,
so bug me if it doesn't work. Include in pm-code.shar (See X-info File Server)


Pm-japop3.rc -- Remotedly download messages by mail command request
$Id: pm-japop3.rc,v 1.4 1998/06/22 12:20:45 jaalto Exp $

    File id
        .Copyright (C)  1998 Jari Aalto 
        .Maintainer:    Jari Aalto <jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com>
        .Created:       1998-01
        .Keywords:      procmail pop3 emulation recipe
        This code is free software in terms of GNU Gen. pub. Lic. v2 or later
        You can get newest version by sending email to maintainer with
        subject "send <FILENAME>"
        Ahem, that `pop3' is just to draw your attentions. This module has
        nothing to do with pop3. The idea may resemble it though. This
        recipe will listen pop3 request, and when it gets one, it sends
        your whole mailbox as forwarded messages to the account from
        where you sent the request.
        This is kinda "empty my mailbox in account X and send the messages
        to account Y"
        You might have permanent forwarding on in account X, but if that
        is your socondary account, you can ask what messages has been arrived
        there with this recipe.
        After you have configured your magic pop3 command, simply sending
        message to account X, will initiate emptying your mailbox
            Subject: pOp3-send [mailbox] [kill]
        o   mailbox, is optional folder name which you want to process.
            it is $DEFAULT if not given in subject.
        o   if word `kill' is found, the mailbox will be meptied after
            forwarding. If the word is not found, messages are preserved.
    Required settings
        PMSRC must point to source direcry of procmail code. This subroutine
        will include
        o   pm-javar.rc
        o   pm-japop3.rc            # Phew! We include ourself
    Call arguments (variables to set before calling)
        o   JA_POP3_SUBJECT_CMD, select your personal command string.
            if this is first word in subject line, forwarding starts.
            This string is case sensitive.
        o   JA_POP3_TMP is the file where mailbox is moved before starting
            to forward the messages. Do not put to point to yout $HOME,
            becaus that may exceed the quota.
    Return value
        STATUS will contain mailbox name if valid pop3 request was received.
        You may wish to save the request message to separate folder.
    Example usage
        You install this same setup for each site where you have account
            RC_POP3             = $PMSRC/pm-japop3.rc
            .. somewhere in your .procmailrc ..
            JA_POP3_SUBJECT_CMD = myPoPcmd
            INCLUDERC           = $RC_POP3
            #   Save all pop3 requests to folder
            * STATUS ?? [a-z]
            #   in account Y, this recipe stores the moved messages to
            #   separate folder
            * X-Loop-Fwd:.*\.rc +\/$NSPC+
                #   The MATCH wil lhave the host name from where the messages
                #   were moved
                :0 :