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Re: In the process of compiling

1998-07-01 21:47:19
I appreciate all the help, It was working fine and almost to the end when
encountered this:
cp new/procmail new/lockfile new/formail new/mailstat /usr/bin
cp: /usr/bin/mailstat: Permission denied
cp: /usr/bin/formail: Permission denied
cp: /usr/bin/lockfile: Permission denied
cp: /usr/bin/procmail: Permission denied

The problem is that as a regular user (not the administrator) of the
system, you don't have permission to write files in /usr/bin, and for that
matter most other places on the system besides your home directory. You
can try all you like, but unless you plan on exploiting some security
loophole or beating the system administrator about the head until he tells
you the root password, you'll never be able to write a file in /usr/bin.

Two solutions to your problem come to mind: one is to talk the system
administrator into installing a newer version of procmail; the other is to
install the newer version yourself in a directory in which you have
permission to write files, namely your home directory or some
sub-directory thereof.

Chris Johnson

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