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Re: tcsh

1998-08-17 21:11:54
lyle(_at_)infi(_dot_)net (Lyle D. Sanders) writes:
Actually, csh and tcsh, executes the .cshrc first, THEN if, and only
if it is the login shell (not a sub shell) it executes the .login.

While I have never used such a system, I have been told by other
sysadmins that there are systems on which csh was hacked to source
the .login before the .cshrc.  For various reasons I suspect these
to be systems based on older versions of BSD (say, 2.3 BSD).

As for tcsh, the order in which the .login and .cshrc is sourced is a
compile time option which defaults to the .cshrc (or .tcshrc) before
the .login.  There may be some wackos out there who change the default
in memory of the system(s) that they were raised on.  I suggest
electroshock as the proper treatment.

Philip Guenther

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