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Re: Sending replies

1998-08-25 20:33:15
I have a weird problem now.  Upon utilizing the single file backup
script every so often I receive a duplicate e-mail message that are the
same except for one thing.  The second message contains email that I had
recieved throughout the day.  I am assuming it is the amount that I set
as the limit of email saved in my backup file.
Any suggestions?

R> I tried to use formail to loop through my mail files in order to clean
R> out depending on the dates. But then I discovered that it doesn't
R> support MIME.

Philip Guenther wanted to understand,

G> I'm not sure why this requires MIME support from formail.  What exactly
G> are you trying to do?

My guess is that Kaare has some messages that are multipart MIME and was
hoping that formail -s would process each component of a multipart MIME
message as a separate item.

  Stathy Touloumis, CTO - JASKE.COM 'innovative I/net'
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