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filtering "uns*bscribe"-type requests etc.

1998-10-19 02:30:43
I asked a question some wks. ago on using a 'score'
in a filter.  That worked, and now I'd like to try 
something else.  I would like to be able to delete 
mails which should _not have been sent to the list.

An example of what I would like to delete:
the single line email with "unsubscribe" in it.

How best should I find a match on this?  Check if body
of mail contains one word, and if match "unsubscribe" 
(perhaps allow for spelling errors) delete?  Or do
that within a score file so I can later add to it?
With what basic Unix utilities?

Thnx in advance for any comments,
Darren Rees             merlin(_at_)netlink(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk

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