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Re: header addition at top of procmailrc

1998-10-26 14:32:45
On 26 October 1998, Todd Lindstrom 
<toddl(_at_)t045(_dot_)dseg(_dot_)ti(_dot_)com> wrote:

I need to add a header to incoming email - This is pretty simple to do
with formail and I am familiar with that.

What I do not understand is how do I modify my .procmailrc file
so that the new header gets added at the very beginning of the
.procmailrc then it is processed as usual.  My intended use is to add
a unique header to every email that

    Use the filter flag:

        :0 f
        * conditions
        | formail -a "X-blah: ..."

(add this to the beginning of your .procmailrc).


    Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia               e-mail:   daia(_at_)stoilow(_dot_)imar(_dot_)ro
Institute of Mathematics     web page:
of the Romanian Academy      PGP key:

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