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Re: case sensitivity

1998-11-06 18:17:38
How do I allow mail being forwarded or aliased to ignore case sensitivity?

You mean ignore case sensitivity in the username?  If you're using 
sendmail, aliases are already case insensitive.  Usernames are
controlled via the F=u flag (if set, convert everything to lowercase
(thus making it case insensitive)).

Or you can downgrade to procmail 3.10.  :)

Running Qmail

  Stathy Touloumis, CTO - JASKE.COM 'innovative I/net'
                    JASKE.COM, Inc.
       3555 W. Peterson Ave. Chicago  IL  60659
     Office - 773.478.9877     Fax - 773.588.5015
        info(_at_)jaske(_dot_)com - support(_at_)jaske(_dot_)com

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