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Offline processing

1998-11-19 13:29:10

I've been using procmail in the normal fashion (that is, on the
incoming email stream) for filtering and filing for some time. I'd 
like to come up with a second set of recipes for a few offline 
mailfile maintenence tasks.

Here's what I'd like to do:

  - I currently inject a header field into messages I get
    from mailing lists, using formail. Then, a recipe later 
    in my .procmailrc senses that new header field and files 
    the message to a folder devoted to the particular mailing 
    list, saving a copy to the default mailbox. That way, I 
    see the message right away but also have a copy in its
    own folder.
    Once a month or so I'd like to process the default mail-
    box through procmail and delete all messages that con-
    tain the mailing-list header.  All messages that do not
    contain that header would be deleted from the default
    mailbox and filed to a folder I'd define at the time I
    ran this task.  I'd be left with an empty default mail-

  - I'd also like to run all my mailing-list mail folders 
    through a recipe that would delete all messages older 
    than X number of months.

Obviously I could figure this out by banging away at it, but since
I don't do anything at all offline yet I thought I'd ask here first.
Anybody have any recipes that already do stuff like this?  Anything I
should be aware of before proceeding?

Thanks in advance....

Mark Shaw <mshaw(_at_)ti(_dot_)com>

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