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Re: Outlook98/ Outlook express and procmail

1998-11-30 13:04:36
Matt Staley <mstaley(_at_)vma(_dot_)verio(_dot_)net> writes:
According to .maillog with verbose on,  it said:
procmail: Notified comsat: "wn(_at_)1174:/var/spool/mail/wn"
procmail: [9909] Mon Nov 30 13:35:48 1998
procmail: Assigning "PATH=/home/wn/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
procmail: No match on "^To: *news*"
so if I used netscape, the .maillog shows:
procmail: Match on "^To: *news*"

The mail message that Outlook sends has a To: field that doesn't start
with "news".  Perhaps the To: field instead looks like:

        To: "news" <news(_at_)verio(_dot_)net>

That would not be matched by the condition.  Looking again at the
condition I see that you're slightly confused about regular
expressions.  I would suggest checking out era's mini-FAQ.  It has a
section on regexps.  To put it simply, '*' does not do what you appear
to think it does.

Anyway, the solution is to use the ^TO_ regexp token.  Try changing the
recipes to read:

        * ^TO_news
                * ^Subject:.*\<news\>
                | (formail -rtA "X-Loop: 
news(_at_)stahlie(_dot_)datakids(_dot_)org" ; \
                  /home/wn/ ) | $SENDMAIL -t

                * ^Subject: *\/[^ ]+
                | (formail -rtA "X-Loop: 
news(_at_)stahlie(_dot_)datakids(_dot_)org" ; \
                  /home/wn/ $MATCH) | $SENDMAIL -t

I've factored out the matching of "^TO_news" and tweaked the other
regexps to be more accurate or functional.  For example, regexps with
the \/ token should almost never have a '*' on what immeadiately
follows the \/.

I've also added the 't' flag to the formail invocations.  formail -r
was aimed more towards the UUCP mail environment which, thankfully, has
been mostly stomped out.

Philip Guenther