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Re: Specifics on Mailhost Problems

1998-12-02 10:56:09
Greg Andrews <gerg(_at_)wco(_dot_)com> writes:
Kevin Benko <kevin(_at_)efn(_dot_)org> writes:

"|IFS=' ' && p=/home/members/k/kevin/bin/procmail && test -f $p &&
exec $p -Yf- || exit 75 #kevin"

Oops?  Can you really combine the -Y and -f- options into
'-Yf-' like that?

Yes.  You can combine any number of options that don't take a value,
plus at most one that does, into a single argument.  This is true of
procmail and all program which perform POSIXly correct option parsing.

Philip Guenther

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