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Question about generating auto-reply

1999-01-26 11:22:05
Dear Stephen,

        I'm writing a .procmailrc file to auto-reply to incoming
e-mail.  For e-mail generated on our LAN the Return-path: header is
<user>@<hostname> but the From: header is just
<user> .  It is important that the auto-reply go to the
latter address.  How do I do this?  Currently I have the following:

SHELL = /usr/bin/ksh

:0  Whc : myprocmail.lock

<Many excludes for personal mail and mailing lists>

| (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" 
-A"X-Loop:larry(_at_)cs(_dot_)wsc(_dot_)ma(_dot_)edu" ;  \
        echo "Please accept this automatically generated reply as proof "; \
        echo "that your message arrived successfully.  I will reply as  "; \
        echo "soon as possible.                                         "; \
        echo "                                                          "; \
        echo "                          Larry Griffith                  "; \
      ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t

:0 c
< Forward from my son to my wife >


        but it sends to the wrong address.  I experimented with the -k
and -i options but haven't found anything that works.

                                          Thanks in advance,

Larry Griffith                       Dept. of Computer & Info Science
larry(_at_)cs(_dot_)wsc(_dot_)ma(_dot_)edu                   Westfield State 
(413) 572-5294                       Westfield, MA 01086 USA
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