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Re: Recovering Number of Lines or Size of Mail

1999-04-15 07:01:40
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:44:41 -0500, Philip Guenther 
Ralph SOBEK <sobek(_at_)irit(_dot_)fr> writes:
"PG" == Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> writes:
 PG> Well, it's O(n), if that's any reassurance.
I would prefer O(k), k = constant, since I may recover this info for a
couple of thousands of e-mails...  Since procmail has it internally,
would it be too awful to pass the value along to a recipe?
As it has no need for it, procmail doesn't determine or keep track of
the line count.

The byte count (which is what I imagine is what Ralph really wanted to
ask about) should be trivial to export into a variable, though? Except
if Procmail finds out the size of the message only when the user
actually asks for it (but then the same optimization could be done on
this pseudovariable).

A different matter altogether is of course what should happen when the
user assigns something to this variable. (Core dump! Core dump!)

I suppose this would really belong on the -dev list if people still
want to follow up.

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