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Re: procmail-3.13

1999-04-19 14:37:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 hunter   hunter      27238 Apr 10 13:24

Ayup, that's your problem.

Red Hat Linux has this unique hack they use where each user is in a separate
group, and the default umask is 002; I forget why they thought that was
groovy, but anyway, everyone else in the universe thinks the normal default is
most or all users are in a single group, often called "other" or something
like that, and the default umask is 022.

So, what you want to do is chmod that file 0644, which can in this case also
be pronounced g-w. Strip the group write perms and procmail will stop whining.

Alternatively, you can also recompile procmail with 

   #define GROUP_PER_USER

in config.h.


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