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Re: Detecting multiple To: headers?

1999-05-12 08:48:55
The first condition was just my way of making the recipe find messages with
*multiple* To: lines.  The initial score of -1 made the first To: header set
the score to 0, keeping the recipe from immediately matching.  Details,
details...  :)


"ee" == era eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> writes:

ee> On Wed, 12 May 1999 08:39:01 -0400 (EDT), Justin Lloyd
ee> <jlloyd(_at_)harris(_dot_)com> wrote:
How about this for reporting more than 1 To: line? (code is untested)

ee> Just as a reminder, these things +are+ rather easy to test.

ee>  $ cat <<'HERE' >/tmp/foo.rc
* 0^-1
* 1^1 ^To:
{ LOG = "There were $= To: lines" }

ee>  $ procmail DEFAULT=/dev/null SHELL=/bin/sh /tmp/foo.rc <<HERE
To: one
To: too
From: me
To: you
ee>  There were 3 To: lines

ee> Unsurprisingly, this works. It's not clear to me what good the first
ee> condition does, though.

ee>  $ cat <<'HERE' >/tmp/bar.rc
* 1^1 ^To:
{ LOG = "There were $= To: lines" }

ee>  $ procmail DEFAULT=/dev/null SHELL=/bin/sh /tmp/bar.rc <<HERE
To: one
To: too
From: me
To: you
ee>  There were 3 To: lines

ee> Hope this helps,

ee> /* era */

ee> Remember to clean up after yourself, too.

ee>  $ rm /tmp/foo.rc /tmp/bar.rc

ee> -- 
ee> .obBotBait: It shouldn't even matter whether     <>
ee> I am a resident of the state of Washington. 
ee>  * Sign the European spam petition! 
<> *

Justin C. Lloyd               Harris Corporation, ISD     Voice  407/984-5558
jlloyd(_at_)harris(_dot_)com             505 John Rodes Blvd.        Fax    
Unix System Administrator     Melbourne, FL  32935        Office  W3/1804b

"A standard doesn't have to be good, it just has to be good enough. The fact
that it is a standard more than makes up the difference." -- jwz

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