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Re: Run scr after all mail retrieved

1999-06-02 11:07:19
Harry Putnam asked,

| Summary: How to run a script from procmail after a mail retrieval
| session is complete.

Well, since procmail runs, using your .procmailrc, separately for each
message, anything in .procmailrc is going to be run separately for each
message, and that's the problem Harry's having.  To avoid its being run
once for each message, it has to be taken out of .procmailrc

(OR something in .procmailrc has to be aware of where in the session it's
 running.  I can think of a way to identify the first message in the queue
 but not one to identify the last, and this cleanup script really needs to be
 run on the last message in the queue, not on the first.)

So Harry, how is procmail (or formail -s procmail) invoked?  Can you go
up one level to the thing that calls procmail and have *it* run the script
after finishing with procmail?  Failing that, can you schedule the script
with cron?

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