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new ZippedFiles email worm recipe

1999-06-11 12:04:22
Hi All,

Just read about another email worm that seems to be making it's way around at

The text of the message in the two alerts appears to have a minor
discrepancy between these two, one has a comma after Till then and the
other doesn't.  Also, I can't find an accurate subject line to filter on yet.

This is what I have in my rc.viruses file.  Comments, easier way to do this?

:0B f
* I received your e-mail and I shall send you a reply ASAP
* take a look at the attached zipped docs
* zipped_files.exe
|formail -A "X-Spam-Reject: rc.viruses - worm.explore"

* ^X-Spam-Reject:


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