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Red Hat's Procmail RPM (was Re: More on .backward files)

1999-06-11 23:44:52
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 01:00:37 -0500, Aaron Schrab
<aaron+procmail(_at_)schrab(_dot_)com> wrote:
  chmod go-w . .procmailrc

One has to wonder why the Red Hat folks keep overlooking this;
Procmail provides a compile-time option for Red Hat (not specifically,
but I don't know what other systems give each user her own group) so
it's kind of baffling that they would not be setting that option when
packing it up in an RPM.

Could somebody who is actually using Procmail on Red Hat volunteer to
get in touch with the RPM maintainer? (Harry?)

For the time being, rather than change the permissions of your home
directory to something other Red Hat software might have a problem
with, I'd suggest getting the Procmail sources and compile your own.
It's usually not a big deal. Just uncomment GROUP_PER_USER in config.h
and see if there's anything else in the Red Hat RPM which they've done
differently from the defaults (they do document this, I hope?) and
perhaps you want to take note of the locking methods used by the RPM
and see if you get similar results from the routines which decide
which locking methods to use.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to mention this in the distribution FAQ --
several people have had this problem with Red Hat (RPM or your own

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