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Re: body -> subject

1999-08-25 10:05:08
Volford Andras asked:
I tried: TEXT=`formail -I ""` 
:0 c 
| formail -I"To:" -A"To:volfi(_at_)phyndi(_dot_)fke(_dot_)bme(_dot_)hu"\ 
-I Subject: -A "Subject:$TEXT" \

but it doesn't work
the problem is in -A "Subject:$TEXT" 

In most cases, you'll get a lot more help if you can be more
specific about what "it doesn't work" means (for example,
some logfile messages).

In your case, though, I do see that it looks like your first backslash
has a space after it rather than before it, which will inhibit any
continuation and certainly "not work".

Note you do need a space before the backslash unless you indent the
following line.


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