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Re: body -> subject

1999-08-25 14:00:09
Hi Stan,

Thanx for the promt answer.
I changed it as you suggested (no space after the \):

TEXT=`formail -I ""` 
:0 c 
| formail -I"To:" -A"To:volfi(_at_)phyndi(_dot_)fke(_dot_)bme(_dot_)hu" \
-I Subject: -A "Subject:$TEXT" \

Still not work, but I found the following:
If I change in the 4th line $TEXT to anything not containing $ sign than
it works.
-I Subject: -A "Subject:hello boy" \
I can even use:
-I Subject -A Subject:Hello \

In both cases the new subject arrives as it should be.
So I'm quite sure that the $TEXT is not replaced to any text.
Is it possible that as it goes to a shell as a pipeline it becomes
undefined variable? If so, what can be the solution?

I tried also:
-I Subject -A "subject:`echo $TEXT`" \
not working :-(

In most cases, you'll get a lot more help if you can be more
specific about what "it doesn't work" means (for example,
some logfile messages).
I checked the \var\log\maillog but the only information I could see that
the message size becomes 0.
No signs for error.
Probably another log file exist somewhere else not in the /var/log/?

Volford Andras 

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