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Re: alter subject line?

1999-08-25 18:32:25
Aggarwal asked,

| okay this solution works great...
| except for one case.
| so i get an email from joe(_at_)shmoe(_dot_)com
| and the subject is altered to [shmoe],
| but no i reply, and he replies, and the subject now says
| [shmoe] re: [shmoe] blah blah
| for every reply this would continue...
| would the solution be to change the
| ^From:(_dot_)*joe(_at_)shmoe\(_dot_)com
| to
| ^From:(_dot_)*joe(_at_)shmoe\(_dot_)com&&(^\[shmoe\])

No, you AND conditions by putting all the conditions to be ANDed on the
recipe.  (ORing conditions is harder.)

 * ^From:(_dot_)*joe(_at_)shmoe\(_dot_)com
 * ! ^Subject:.*\[shmoe]

(A right bracket is special only when it closes a range, so escaping the left
 bracket is enough.)

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