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Re: formail troubles

1999-09-24 17:08:38
At 02:13 PM 9/24/99 -0700, Matt Dunford wrote:
I use procmail, but I don't have much experience with formail. I copied
this example from a book:

# get rid of duplicate messages
:0 Wh: message-id.lck
| formail -D 8192 message-id.lck

Well, I see you're using the same file as a lockfile and
as the cache for formail... I'm not sure just what kind of
messages (and problems) that interaction may cause.  Try different
files (rather than message-id.lck twice) and see what happens then.

(Also note that formail returns "failure" for NON-duplicate
messages and "success" for duplicate messages.  This is
expected behavior, so don't let the "program failure" language
in the logfile bother you.)

Hope that helps,

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