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Re: [procmail] recipe (was: Spam on the list)

1999-10-06 11:55:27
On 6 October 1999, Ruud H.G. van Tol <rvtol(_at_)isolution(_dot_)nl> wrote:
It is also sub-optimal that there is no "Reply-To: the list", which
causes answers to go to the person who sent the mail, not the entire
by default.

Hoiw about a recipe that, for messages from this list:

1. injects [procmail] in the Subject

    Debatable, IMO.  Personally I have a recipe that saves all messages
I receive from procmail list to a dedicated folder, and a [procmail] tag
in the subject line would only eat up valuable space in my MUA.  Anyway,
you can write a recipe to add the tag locally if you insist:

        :0 fh
        * ^(Resent-)?Sender:[   ]+procmail-request@
        * ^Subject:[    ]*\/.*
        | formail -I "Subject: [procmail] $MATCH"

2. creates a "Reply-To: the list"

    Like I said many times in the past, this is evil, because it
prevents people from sending private replies.  The "right" way to do it

(1) Use "Mail-Followup-To:" instead;
(2) Use a decent MUA, that can distinguish between the various reply

3. reformats malaligned quoting

    If you mean misaligned quoted like the "list," word above, I'm
afraid there's no way to distinguish them from intentional formatting
(yes, some people do format their messages that way).


    Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia               e-mail:   Liviu(_dot_)Daia(_at_)imar(_dot_)ro
Institute of Mathematics     web page:
of the Romanian Academy      PGP key:

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